Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sticky Notes

Part of the beauty I have found in my laptop equipped with Windows 7 is the ability to use "Sticky Notes". While I am a list maker and a note taker, I do not want to have a desk, mirror or any other surface littered with post it notes and scraps of paper notated with every little thing. Okay, I will admit the refrigerator is an exception to this rule. Not that I like it, but with family schedules and reams of school paper notes home, I had to have some place to put all of it so everyone could keep up and I did not have to be the family calendar. So yes, my fridge is now the "Grand Central Information Hub of the House" so that I don't have to be in charge of the information that now fits nicely on a magnetized dry erase calendar. "Sticky Notes," or virtual post it notes, are my own personal notes I can stick in the desktop of my computer at any moment and delete away when need be. The problem is that I use these for quotes and thoughts too, most of which I acquired on one of those "finding myself" periods of life analysis and evaluation, and I now have a stack of them on my desktop needing to find a permanent home. I recently used one as my facebook status and was accused of having a little book of "Gandhi Nica"-isms that I just put out there from time to time. So here are my Sticky Notes or Gandhi Nicaisms...whichever you want to call them. After storing them here, I'm going to do a little housekeeping on my desktop, but I am sure there will be plenty of Sticky Note followup postings as I accumulate another stack. I find them helpful when I am questioning myself, measuring my people pleasing, my emotions and my intentions.

  • Arrogant ignorance judges, experience understands.

  • Living life is an intentional choice, not an involuntary function.

  • Say yes when it pleases you, not to please others.

  • If I'm not worth their respect, they're not worth my time.

  • I will not let other people's happiness dictate my own.

  • Do not spend your time waiting on others who wouldn't spend their time waiting on you. 

  • Sometimes in life you find yourself alone and in the middle of nowhere...sometimes alone and in the middle of nowhere is when you find yourself. (stole this but love it)

  • Ask yourself the question "am I doing what I am doing because I did it yesterday, or because I want to?" (passed down from a Gandhi-like friend)

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